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The beautiful, well-versed 83 year old lady

Linda Rodin, the founder of the beauty line Rodin Olio Lusso and a frequent model (she’s appeared in J.Crew and the Row lookbooks) known for her signature bright lipstick, is someone we look up to when it comes to aging gracefully—and creating a home that is 100 percent personal. In her 60s, Rodin is more popular than ever, and her New York apartment, which she shares with her adorable poodle, Winky, looks to be the perfect retreat from her busy schedule. The space is positively packed with greenery, ornate antiques, and eye-catching art; this is not a clean, minimalist space but one brimming with personality and life.


The beautiful, well-versed 83 year old lady, fully dressed every morning at 8 am sharp, with her hair done in fashion and perfectly applied makeup, is moving to a retirement home. Her husband recently died, which motivated her move.

After many hours of patiently waiting in the hall of the home, she smiled sweetly, when told her room was ready.

As she moved her walker toward the elevator, she was given a detailed description of her small room, including the curtains hanging from her window.

′′ I love it “, she said, with the enthusiasm of a 8-year-old girl who was just handed over a new pet.

– Mrs. Jones; you haven’t seen the room, just wait.

– That doesn’t matter, she replied.

Happiness is something you decide over time. Whether or not I like my room doesn’t depend on how the furniture is arranged, it depends on how I arrange my mind.

I’ve already decided that I like it. It’s a decision I make every morning when I wake up. I have the choice; I can spend the day in bed, going through the difficulty I have with my body parts that don’t work, or get out of bed and be thankful for the parts that do work.

Every day is a gift, and as long as my eyes open, I will focus on the new day and the happy memories I’ve stored just for this time in my life.

HAPPINESS is like a bank account: you withdraw from it, what you deposit.

So my advice would be to deposit a lot of happiness into your memory account.

Remember these five simple things:

1.- Free your heart from hate/discord.

2.- Free your mind from worries.

3.- Live Simply.

4.- Give more.

5.- Take less.

Linda Rodin- I think one does feel more liberated and independent when one gets older. More honest and open with yourself and others. But you still have insecurities—they’re different, but they don’t totally go away. But you reach a point and say ‘That’s OK.’ In the end, nobody’s perfect, and we’re all doing the best we can.

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