Frogs, with 54 families and more than 6,000 species live worldwide and are among the most diverse amphibian animals in the world. They are known for their jumping abilities, whining sounds, bulging eyes, and slender skin.Black Rain Frogs are the species which will are only found in the southern slopes of the Cape Fold Belt in South Africa. They reside at elevations over 3,300ft (1,000m).

Habitat of Frogs
Frogs are dependent on water and even their habitats in areas with water sources because that allows them to reproduce. Some frogs have toxins on their skin and the most famous is the Poison Dart Frog, which lives in the tropical forests of Central and South America. However, the Desert Rain Frog lives exclusively in Namibia and South Africa, along the coast in sand dunes.

Frogs and Toads
There are a number of assumptions when people talk about frogs and toads and many distinguish them by the fact that toads are terrestrial and frogs are aquatic. This is a fact but there are always exceptions, and the African rain frog (Brevicipitidae) is one of those exceptions. It is classified as a frog but is mostly terrestrial, and lives on African soil or in leaves and some have even been known to spend quite a lot of time in trees.
Another characteristic that makes the difference between frogs and toads is the skin, so frogs have smooth, slimy skin while toads have dry, bumpy skin. Because of that, many people describe a black rain frog as an avocado that is very ‘angry.’

Black Rain Frog Physical Description Regardless of appearance, the Black Rain Frog undeniably remains a relatively small amphibian. That’s because of the fact that it only averages about 2 in (5 cm) in body length, excluding the legs. Thankfully, though, impressiveness does not depend on sheer size. The body of the amphibian further develops comparatively squat and compact in terms of overall shape. In addition to this, the legs stay rather short, much like the majority of related species. This also serves to give it a moderately distinctive appearance. In color, the interesting amphibian also typically develops as a dark brown. This color pattern, in fact, extends almost to the point of appearing black. Finally, the skin of the Black rain Frog lacks the warts typical of many frogs, but most commonly presents small tubercles.

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Amphibia Order: Anura Family: Brevicipitidae Genus: Breviceps Species: B. fuscus