A bad dog owner dumped this wolf at shelter when he got to big and to much to handle. Luckily a sanctuary took him instead and save his life. His DNA testing is come back as 87.5% grey Wolf, 8.6% siberian Husky, and 3.9 German shepherd. while big dogs and wolves generally look a lot like each other, there are some wolf-like dogs that are very difficult to distinguish from real wolves. Most dog breeds that look like wolves are hybrids, meaning they are part dog, part wolf. The closer the wolf part is on their family line (for example, one of the parents was a wolf, as opposed to…
For 13 thousand dollars, Englishman Brendon Grimshaw bought a tiny uninhabited island in the Seychelles and moved there forever.
“For 13 thousand dollars, Englishman Brendon Grimshaw bought a tiny uninhabited island in the Seychelles and moved there forever. When Grimshaw was under forty, he quit his job as a newspaper editor and started a new life.By this time, no human had set foot on the island for 50 years. As befits a real Robinson, Brendon found himself a companion from among the natives. His name was René Lafortin. Together with Rene, Brendon began to equip his new home. While René came to the island only occasionally, Brendon lived on it for decades by himself, never leaving. To talk about the history of this peculiar purchase, we must go back…
Robin Williams
Robin Williams used the height of his popularity to help homeless people get work on his films. The great Robin Williams committed suicide in the summer of 2014. It was a public passing that many fans and admirers still struggle to cope with. A fan and entertainment industry worker, Brian Lord, spoke about a rider in Robin Williams’s contract that required the production hire homeless people to work on the film. The document also contained food specifics and other requests from the actor, many of them trivial, as is common for riders in the entertainment industry. But the ever-creative Robin also saw the opportunity to make a difference in the…
Baby hummingbird
Baby Hummingbird Facts – everything you need to know about the baby hummingbirds. Facts, images, videos & feeding information is included in this article. Baby hummingbirds are cute, but they are not like the birds you find in a pet shop. Some tips and information can help you understand and enjoy these birds. Interested in feeding hummingbirds? Check out our listing of the best hummingbird feeders on the market. Facts About Baby Hummingbirds Of all birds, hummingbirds are the smallest. There are 357 different species of hummingbirds. When they are born, they are black, and they do not have any hair or feathers. Newborn hummingbirds are approximately the same size…
In Switzerland, there are movie theaters where you can book a double bed instead of a seat
A cinema in Switzerland is blurring the line between at-home comfort and a night out at the theatre with the introduction of a new auditorium equipped with beds instead of seats. Pathe Switzerland, launched three special “VIP” theatres earlier this month in the small city of Spreitenbach, located northwest of Zurich. In one of the new theatres, movie-goers will be able to lie back in double beds complete with adjustable headrests, pillows, and bedsheets. Oh, and a free pair of comfy slippers is also included for VIP ticket holders. A VIP ticket costs 49 francs (around $48.50) and includes free food and a drink, while regular tickets cost 19.50 francs…
Tonight while I was out riding around looking for something to eat
Tonight while I was out riding around looking for something to eat, I was riding on I-10 and I noticed this elderly lady driving by herself headed towards Florida. I noticed that she was weaving all over her lane and at one point she nearly side swiped a truck to her right, they blew the horn and she eased over to the other lane so I decided to pull her over to check on her. I got her stopped and she told me that she was trying to make it to Pensacola, so I asked where was she coming from and she stated she was coming from San Antonio. She…
NATURAL TONES White & Green DecorationsThis eco-first festive vision was growing in popularity last year. And it is sure to be a key trend for Christmas 2022. Light greens add colour to a predominantly white palette. Accents of woody brown, terracotta and gold add warmth to designs. The resulting fresh, natural aesthetic contrasts fabulously with the time of year. Or for an even more natural ambience, ease off the lighter tones and embrace a variety of shades of green (and greenery!) against darker earthy brown tones. Finish with accents of matt black and gold for a modern take on cosy rustic. Popular natural textures such as stone, linen, wood and…
Appreciating Wood for Warmth and Beauty
…And after a long time the boy came back again. “I am sorry, Boy,” said the tree, “but I have nothing left to give you- My apples are gone.” “My teeth are too weak for apples,” said the boy. “My branches are gone,” said the tree. “You cannot swing on them-“ “I am too old to swing on branches,” said the boy. “My trunk is gone,” said the tree. “You cannot climb-“ “I am too tired to climb,” said the boy. “I am sorry,” sighed the tree. “I wish that I could give you something… but I have nothing left. I am an old stump. I am sorry…” “I don’t…
She Set Up A Christmas Tree By Her Wildlife Camera
Donna Eberle of Northern Virginia set up a Christmas tree near her wildlife camera to see if any animals would come visit. She shared the results to her Twitter account @mynaturecam. Over the past few years, she’s been capturing animals in their natural habitat on cameras she’s set up along her home. “Throughout the year regular visitors include several foxes, opossums, raccoons, skunks and deer, all stopping by almost nightly,” she explains. This year, she’s given the wildlife a little holiday cheer by dressing up their traditional stomping grounds. Eberle installed a Christmas tree with lights that has lured the animals in with their natural curiosity and has created some fascinating…
A German engagement ring from the sixteenth century
A German engagement ring from the sixteenth century.. It was designed to turn into a mini astronomical map entitled “The whole universe is in your hands” Since ancient times, astronomers around the world have used models of the sky to make calculations. With the advent of the armillary sphere, stargazers were given a physical model to better visualize the lines of celestial longitude and latitude. Created independently in ancient Greece and ancient China, these armillary spheres consisted of spherical rings centered on either the Earth or the Sun. During the 16th and 17th centuries, these astronomy tools were sized down to become fashionable finger rings that moved just like regular…