• Daily Trending,  Life Story

    strengthened by the Grace I had witnessed.

    “I was at the river, hidden in the reeds, hoping to take photos of wildlife when I espied a man tenderly carrying his dog into the water and gently setting her down. The old dog seemed soothed and contented to be in the water and moved around using her front legs. When she got into deeper water, the man lovingly scooped her into his arms again and brought her back to shallow waters and there they stood together in companionable quietude.I approached the man as I was leaving and shared that I couldn’t resist taking photos of him and his dog. I learned that the man’s name is Tony and…

  • Daily Trending,  Life Story

    lifetime of like an Eagle

    “I was waiting in line for a ride at the airport. When a cab pulled up, the first thing I noticed was the taxi was polished to a bright shine. Smartly dressed in a white shirt, black tie, and freshly pressed black slacks, the cab driver jumped out and rounded the car to open the back passenger door for me.He handed me a laminated card and said, ‘I’m Wasu, your driver. While I’m loading your bags in the trunk, I’d like you to read my mission statement.’ Taken aback, I read the card. It said, ‘Wasu’s Mission Statement: To get my customers to their destination in the quickest, safest, and…

  • Daily Trending,  Life Story

    Lessons from Anthony Bourdain for Scrum Teams

    Anthony Bourdain said: “Eat at a local restaurant tonight. Get the cream sauce. Have a cold pint at 4 o’clock in a mostly empty bar. Go somewhere you’ve never been. Listen to someone you think may have nothing in common with you. Order the steak rare. Eat an oyster. Have a negroni. Have two. Be open to a world where you may not understand or agree with the person next to you, but have a drink with them anyways. Eat slowly. Tip your server. Check in on your friends. Check in on yourself. Enjoy the ride.” Agile methodologies, particularly Scrum, have become increasingly popular in project management as organizations strive…

  • Daily Trending,  Life Story

    Margaret Mead

    “Years ago, anthropologist Margaret Mead was asked by a student what she considered to be the first sign of civilization in a culture. The student expected Mead to talk about fishhooks or clay pots or grinding stones.But no. Mead said that the first sign of civilization in an ancient culture was a femur (thighbone) that had been broken and then healed. Mead explained that in the animal kingdom, if you break your leg, you die. You cannot run from danger, get to the river for a drink or hunt for food. You are meat for prowling beasts. No animal survives a broken leg long enough for the bone to heal.A…

  • Daily Trending,  Life Story

    Dame Judi Dench

    She can’t see faces in front of her or read her own lines. But she is determined not to let the condition beat her and hopes recent treatment has stopped the progressive decline. Dame Judi said: “I can’t read scripts any more because of the trouble with my eyes. So somebody reads them to me, like telling me a story. “It’s usually my daughter or my agent or a friend and actually I like that, because I sit there and imagine the story in my mind. “I’ve got what my ma had, macular degeneration, which you get when you get old. “I had wet in one eye and dry in…

  • Daily Trending,  Life Story

    Tina Turner American singer

    Tina Turner, original name Anna Mae Bullock, born November 26, 1939, Brownsville, Tennessee, U.S.—died May 24, 2023, Küsnacht, Switzerland), American-born singer who found success in the rhythm-and-blues, soul, and rock genres in a career that spanned five decades. Turner was born into a sharecropping family in rural Tennessee. She began singing as a teenager and, after moving to St. Louis, Missouri, immersed herself in the local rhythm-and-blues scene. She met Ike Turner at a performance by his band, the Kings of Rhythm, in 1956, and soon became part of the act. She began performing as Tina Turner, and her electric stage presence quickly made her the centrepiece of the show.…

  • Daily Trending,  Life Story

    After Teaching His Son Math for One Year, A Father Cried When His Son Scored 6/100 in Math Exam

    There is no doubt that parents would extend help to their children, especially in their school work. Some parents would go the extra mile to spend for expensive schools so their children would have stellar knowledge and bring home good grades. Unfortunately, not all children would respond in a way that the parents would expect. Although there are days that they would help boost their child’s academic performance, the results still return meager. Recently, a father from China received his son’s Mathematics exam result and burst out in tears. It turns out that his son only received 6 points out of a 100-item Mathematics exam the Chinese media People’s Daily…

  • Daily Trending,  Life Story

    Women in Astronomy / Cecelia Payne Gaposchkin

    Born and raised in the UK, young Cecilia Payne was inspired to study astronomy after seeing a lecture by Arthur Eddington on his recent excursion to observe the 1919 solar eclipse – particularly to measure the way light bent around the Sun due to gravity, proving a major prediction from Einstein’s general theory of relativity. Frustrated by the lack of opportunities for women to study and practice astronomy in the UK, Payne emigrated to the US to study and work at the Harvard College Observatory. At the observatory, Payne worked with the spectra of stars, applying recent findings about the behavior of ionized gasses (such as found in the outer…

  • Daily Trending,  Life Story

    The Jim Thorpe Story

    This is Jim Thorpe. Look closely at the photo, you can see that he’s wearing different socks and shoes. This wasn’t a fashion statement. It was the 1912 Olympics, and Jim, represented the U.S. in track and field. On the morning of his competitions, his shoes were stolen. Luckily, Jim ended up finding two shoes in a garbage can. That’s the pair that he’s wearing in the photo. But one of the shoes was too big, so he had to wear an extra sock. Wearing these shoes, Jim won two gold medals that day. This is a perfect reminder that even when life isn’t fair the question is what are…

  • animals,  Life Story

    Paul Newman 1925 / 2008

    Only women of a certain era will fully appreciate this…. True story.A Michigan woman and her family were vacationing in a small New England town where Paul Newman and his family often visited.One Sunday morning, the woman got up early to take a long walk. After a brisk five-mile hike, she decided to treat herself to a double-dip chocolate ice cream cone.She hopped in the car, drove to the center of the village and went straight to the combination bakery/ice cream parlor. There was only one other patron in the store: Paul Newman, sitting at the counter having a doughnut and coffee.The woman’s heart skipped a beat as her eyes…