• animals,  Life Story

    pilot walk off the plane with a Seeing Eye dog! The pilot was even wearing sunglasses

    A man was flying from Seattle to San Francisco. The plane had a layover in Sacramento. The flight attendant explained that there would be a delay, and if the passengers wanted to get off the aircraft, the plane would re-board in one hour. Everybody got off the plane except one gentleman who was blind. Another man had noticed him as he walked by and could tell the gentleman was blind because his Seeing Eye dog lay quietly underneath the seats in front of him throughout the entire flight. He could also tell he had flown this very flight before because the pilot approached him, and calling him by name, said,…

  • Daily Trending,  Life Story

    For 13 thousand dollars, Englishman Brendon Grimshaw bought a tiny uninhabited island in the Seychelles and moved there forever.

    “For 13 thousand dollars, Englishman Brendon Grimshaw bought a tiny uninhabited island in the Seychelles and moved there forever. When Grimshaw was under forty, he quit his job as a newspaper editor and started a new life.By this time, no human had set foot on the island for 50 years. As befits a real Robinson, Brendon found himself a companion from among the natives. His name was René Lafortin. Together with Rene, Brendon began to equip his new home. While René came to the island only occasionally, Brendon lived on it for decades by himself, never leaving. To talk about the history of this peculiar purchase, we must go back…

  • Daily Trending,  Life Story

    Robin Williams

    Robin Williams used the height of his popularity to help homeless people get work on his films. The great Robin Williams committed suicide in the summer of 2014. It was a public passing that many fans and admirers still struggle to cope with. A fan and entertainment industry worker, Brian Lord, spoke about a rider in Robin Williams’s contract that required the production hire homeless people to work on the film. The document also contained food specifics and other requests from the actor, many of them trivial, as is common for riders in the entertainment industry. But the ever-creative Robin also saw the opportunity to make a difference in the…

  • Daily Trending,  Life Story

    Tonight while I was out riding around looking for something to eat

    Tonight while I was out riding around looking for something to eat, I was riding on I-10 and I noticed this elderly lady driving by herself headed towards Florida. I noticed that she was weaving all over her lane and at one point she nearly side swiped a truck to her right, they blew the horn and she eased over to the other lane so I decided to pull her over to check on her. I got her stopped and she told me that she was trying to make it to Pensacola, so I asked where was she coming from and she stated she was coming from San Antonio. She…

  • Daily Trending,  Life Story

    HUMANITY thing

    It’s also good to revisit good news from time to time. Stories of people helping others never grow old, especially in seasons where good news is hard to come by. Today I made a traffic stop on this vehicle as it had a flat tire. The man pictured here was traveling to see family and was aware the tire was flat. He began explaining to me that he had a “donut” tire as a spare, however he did not have a jack to change the tire. I told him I had one in my patrol vehicle and offered assistance in helping him change it. I grabbed the Jack and began…

  • Daily Trending,  Life Story

    Actor, film director, film producer and musician Keanu Charles Reeves

    missed the first 20 minutes of the party dedicated to the end of filming of his new film in one of the clubs in New York.He waited patiently in the rain to be let in.No one recognized him.The club owner said: “I didn’t even know Keanu was standing in the rain waiting to be let in – he didn’t say anything to anyone.”“He travels by public transport”.“He easily communicates with homeless people on the street and helps them”.– He is only 56 years old (September 2, 1964)– He can just eat a hot dog in the park, sitting between ordinary people.– After filming one of the “Matrix”, he gave all…

  • Art,  Life Story

    World’s Oldest Terrarium / Sealed Bottle Ecosystem by – Only Watered Once in 53 Years

    80-year-old David Latimer planted a garden in a huge 10-gallon bottle in 1960 and opened it to water it only once in 1972. Now the portable bottle garden is almost 54 years old and is still flourishing in its own closed ecosystem. Back when Dwight D. Eisenhower was president of the U.S., Latimer planted the garden by placing some compost, a quarter pint of water and a spiderwort sprout into a 10-gallon glass bottle. Opened only once, the garden has created a self-sufficient miniature ecosystem. All it really needs is plenty of sunlight and a loving guardian. Latimer, now in his 80s, is proud of his gardening experiment. According to…