• animals,  Art

    Man Makes Winter Shelters For Stray Cats Out Of Discarded Coolers

    Stray animals face a particularly difficult time during winter. When the temperatures drop, our homeless furry friends are still roaming out in the open while we’re sitting warmly and cozily at home. Luckily, there are people out there who are doing their best to make sure that stray animals have a warm place to sleep. Philip Rogich is one of such people. The man based in Ogden, Utah is turning other people’s trash into little homes for stray and feral cats. Philip uses discarded coolers to turn them into warm and dry places for felines to sleep during the cold season. “I saw a Facebook post about a man making…

  • Art

    Australia created fluorescent markings on road floors, for better visibility at night.

    In Australia, the government is rolling out a $245 million AUD road safety program to make Victoria’s roads safer for vulnerable road users like cyclists and pedestrians. Some of the projects that the budget covers include LED-lit pavement near intersections, as well as more reflective applications of road markings. Victorian company Tarmac Linemarking shared images of a trial run of the glow-in-the-dark road markings on its Facebook page, which are impressive, to say the least. Even in complete darkness, the lines on the road are clearly visible thanks to the application of the special finish. Tarmac Linemarking says the new technology would be “an outstanding product for pedestrians and bike…

  • Daily Trending

    The Surplus Of Apple Harvest

    Love this In Norway, when people see that there is an excess of apples on their trees, they do this kind of action so others can pick them and consume them instead of rotting on the ground. Beautiful A picture of bags of apples hanging from a fence is going viral on social media with the claim that it is common practice for the people of Norway to hang apples from their fences so that the poor, hungry and homeless can avail the fruits for free. The post says, In Norway, people harvested their apples and hanged them in their respective fences so that the poor, the hungry, and the…

  • animals

    Capybaras are one of the most Friendly Creatures in The Animal Kingdom

    Why do other animals like capybaras so much?The photo evidence of the capybara’s friendliness and the animal friendships they can form was more than convincing. Each and every one of domestic and wild animals seems to like hanging out with this friendly creature that looks like a rat-pig hybrid. Even the crocodiles It probably lies in some capybara facts. First of all, these cute animals are very social and often live in groups of 10-20 individuals. Second, this lovable creature is the largest rodent in the world, growing to a size of up to 134cm and weighing up to 66kg. Third, native to South America, capybaras are semi-aquatic mammals that…

  • animals

    Australian pygmy possum world smallest possum

    Also known as the Tasmanian pygmy possum or tiny pygmy possum, it is the world’s smallest possum species and weigh just about 0.25 ounces. Before last week, they hadn’t been seen on the island since wildfires began early this year, which in the following months burned almost half of Kangaroo Island, located just off the southern Australia coast. With a body growing to just 7.7cm long, plus an 8cm-long tail, western pygmy possums might be pretty tiny, but they’re actually one of the largest pygmy possums in the world. Kangaroo Island Land for Wildlife said it worked with private property owners and made the find last Friday. They posted photos…

  • animals

    female seahorse transfers her eggs

    A deep sea diver captures an image of the exact time a female seahorse transfers her eggs to a male to carry to term. Incredible nature Two seahorses close together, and the female began to put its eggs in a special bag of males. The male seahorse will fertilize the eggs and hatch them themselves and carry them in the abdomen during pregnancy. After a few weeks of hatching eggs, the seahorse father will give birth. Seahorses can produce up to 1,500 juveniles at a time. Seahorses are members of the pipefish family. In addition to their iconic appearance, seahorses possess many interesting attributes. Among them are specialized structures in…

  • animals

    One of the cutest beings on this planet – opossum

    One of the cutest beings on this planet, an opossum, also one of the most misunderstood. They are marsupials, they do not transmit rabies and are indispensable for pest control. Opossums are famous for playing dead, so much so that almost everyone has heard the term “playing possum” in reference to this unique response to fear. For opossums, playing dead is an involuntary response. When they are frightened, they are temporarily paralyzed, causing them to flop onto their sides, often with their tongues out and eyes in a fixed glaze, National Geographic reports. They can remain in this state for up to four hours, causing potential predators to pass them…

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    Most Earth-like Exoplanet Discovery Explained

    KOI-4878.01 is the most Earth-like exoplanet known to date. It’s 580 million square kilometers in size, about 3 times larger than Earth, orbits around a G-type star (yellow dwarf) called KOI-4878 so it’s presumed to be habitable and has life inside. Distance from Earth: 1.134 light years. Classed as a “super-Earth,” candidate planet KOI (Kepler Object of Interest) 172.02 orbits within the habitable zone of a sun-like star. This means the planet, which has yet to be confirmed by follow-up observations, could have liquid water on its surface, thought to be essential for life. KOI 172.02 is about 1.5 times the diameter of Earth. The planet orbits its star at…

  • Daily Trending

    The Inca Trail, Machu Picchu.

    The Inca Trail starts from a point in the Sacred Valley, called “Kilometer 88”. To begin the journey, cross a narrow bridge in Kusicancha, and then go to the left side of a eucalyptus forest. This trip is not suitable for people with heart disease, since it goes above 4600 masl. The path winds up, down, and around the mountains on the ancient stone carved stairs, and then follows three steps of high Andean mountains, one of them with a disturbing name, “Paso de la Mujer Muerta”. Once at the top, when it is possible to catch your breath, you will surely be amazed again by the truly spectacular views…

  • animals

    Dragonfly covered in raindrops.

    Dragonfly species (Anisoptera) are characterized by long bodies with two narrow pairs of intricately veined, membranous wings that, while generally transparent, may have coloured markings. Unlike damselflies, the front and rear wing pairs are shaped differently. In addition, dragonflies rest with their wings spread horizontally, rather than held vertically against each other (with the exception of one very small family, Epiophlebiidae). Dragonflies have a more powerful build and are generally much stronger fliers than damselflies. The globe skimmer (or wandering glider, Pantala flavescens), a migratory dragonfly, for example, makes an annual multigenerational journey of some 18,000 km (about 11,200 miles); to complete the migration, individual globe skimmers fly more than…