• Daily Trending,  Life Story

    Tina Turner American singer

    Tina Turner, original name Anna Mae Bullock, born November 26, 1939, Brownsville, Tennessee, U.S.—died May 24, 2023, Küsnacht, Switzerland), American-born singer who found success in the rhythm-and-blues, soul, and rock genres in a career that spanned five decades. Turner was born into a sharecropping family in rural Tennessee. She began singing as a teenager and, after moving to St. Louis, Missouri, immersed herself in the local rhythm-and-blues scene. She met Ike Turner at a performance by his band, the Kings of Rhythm, in 1956, and soon became part of the act. She began performing as Tina Turner, and her electric stage presence quickly made her the centrepiece of the show.…

  • animals,  Daily Trending

    Polar bear family in Wapusk National Park, Manitoba, Canada.

    Wapusk National Park is one of the most remote in all of Canada and is home to many polar bears, a species that has roamed the park’s ice fields since before European explorers first set foot on the continent. The park’s name comes from the Inuktitut word meaning “weed-covered land,” referring to the sparse plants that grow in the park’s tundra landscapes. Wapusk has a rich history as being home for Inuit and First Nations groups for thousands of years, and there are still several communities nearby where you can take tours or classes to learn more about those cultures. What makes Wapusk National Park special for most visitors is…

  • Daily Trending

    Amorphophallus titanum

    At 3pm today the Amorphophallus titanum at San Diego Botanic Garden opened its bloom!! Biggest flower in the world! (Named the corpse flower because of the rancid smell of the flowers that attracts the carcass-eating insects that pollinate it.)Most of these plants take 7-10 years to first bloom, Then after the 1st bloom every 4-5 years thereafter. The fully opened bloom lasts around 48 hours. This one is 14 yrs old & last bloomed in 2018. Native to Sumatra. The corpse flower smells like… well, a dead body. Given its rotting odor, the plant, whose technical name is Amorphophallus titanum has also been dubbed the corpse bride, corpse plant, and…

  • animals

    These Truck Drivers Stopped To Help A Thirsty Baby Elephant Who Appeared Out Of Nowhere

    In the spring of 2017, while traveling through Botswana, a group of truck drivers came upon a newborn elephant that was in need. The drivers even drove the thirsty elephant to a nearby sanctuary for elephants while providing her with water. According to The Dodo, these South African truck drivers were just going about their regular workday when they came across a broken bridge that blocked their way. A frightened baby elephant suddenly appeared, forcing the drivers to halt and check the situation. She was entirely defenseless and abandoned without her mother or the other elephants in her pack. Luckily, the drivers observed that the around 3-week-old elephant appeared thirsty…

  • animals

    Photographer Captures Amazing Shot of Snake Hidden in the Sand

    A photographer traveled to Namibia to capture well-camouflaged snakes that exclusively live in the sub-Saharan African country. Marisa Ishimatsu captured magnificent photos of a Peringuey’s adder who are perfectly adapted to hide themselves in the soft sands of the Namibian desert. “They sidewind effortlessly across the dune slopes and they bury themselves in soft sand at the base of bushes, both to ambush lizards and to protect themselves from predation,” Ishimatsu tells PetaPixel. “Their eyes are on the top of their heads and their nostrils are reinforced and on the top of their nose so when they are completely buried, they can still see and breathe.” Ishimatsu went with a…

  • animals,  Daily Trending

    Hidden Camera Catches Doting Eagle Doing Everything He Can To Please His Wife

    High in the sky in Big Bear Valley, California, an eagle named Jackie flew back home to her nest, following closely behind her mate, Shadow. The eagle couple, who have parented chicks in the past, would soon begin prepping the nest, perhaps anticipating another set of eggs. On this particular afternoon, Shadow had just caught himself some lunch and was poised to start eating when Jackie demanded that the snack should be hers. The pair bickered for a bit, but in the end, the meal went to Jackie. Surely, she thought, “the one who lays the eggs around here should get the best treats.” watching them daily through the lens…

  • Daily Trending,  Life Story

    After Teaching His Son Math for One Year, A Father Cried When His Son Scored 6/100 in Math Exam

    There is no doubt that parents would extend help to their children, especially in their school work. Some parents would go the extra mile to spend for expensive schools so their children would have stellar knowledge and bring home good grades. Unfortunately, not all children would respond in a way that the parents would expect. Although there are days that they would help boost their child’s academic performance, the results still return meager. Recently, a father from China received his son’s Mathematics exam result and burst out in tears. It turns out that his son only received 6 points out of a 100-item Mathematics exam the Chinese media People’s Daily…

  • Daily Trending

    This is a single tree

    The Cashew of Pirangi is the world’s largest cashew tree located in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. It covers an area between 7,300 and 8,400 square m. Having the size of 70 normally sized cashew trees, it has a circumference of 500 m .The spread over a hectare of land was, unlike other trees, created by the tree’s outward growth. When bent towards the ground (because of their weight), the branches tend to take new roots where they touch the ground.The tree is said to have been planted in 1880’s. However, based on its growth nature, “the tree is estimated to be more than a thousand years old.” The tree…

  • animals,  Daily Trending

    Worlds Most Beautiful, Amazing and Unusual Seahorses

    Have you ever seen a majestic seahorse swimming about in the sea or in an aquarium? If you have you are very lucky, but what you might not know are there are 45 species of seahorses swimming around in the world’s seas and oceans and here are just a small selection most beautiful, amazing and unusual Seahorses you 1 Lined Seahorse (Hippocampus erectus) This is one of the most common seahorses houses in aquariums due to their colourful and distinctive markings. One thing worthy of note is that the lined seahorse’s eyes can move independently of one another, allowing it to effectively scan its surroundings. 2 Paradoxical Seahorse (Hippocampus paradoxus)…

  • animals

    Prionailurus viverrinus / Fishing cat / Handun Divia

    Handun Divia, a rare type of leopard and it is the fishing cat (Prionailurus viverrinus) one of the endangered species in They frequent water bodies mostly wading to catch fish and are piscivorous. That is why they are called fishing cats. This peculiar animal has short limbs and a strong body. Its long head is especially helpful when it is diving and its tail is short and is roughly one-third the length of its body. Fishing cats were forced to explore a new niche in order to survive they turned to the swamp in order to conquer this new biome fishing cats had to develop a whole series of adaptations…